Friday, February 01, 2008

SNE Quest - Day 32: Decent start

VPP COUNT: 103554

I got in a bit less than 6 hours today. My last session was cut short when the stars client completely crashed while I was in the middle of playing AA and AK on 2 tables. Between the crash and my lack of cards in that last session, I decided to call it a night with a mediocre profit.

In other news, Sophy had a doctors appointment today. Apparently she is in the top 95 percentile in length, but 50th percentile in weight. Probably means she got my skinny Wallace genes. The doctor also talked about how most babies aren't nearly as active and engaging as Sophy is at her age. Looks like she turned out pretty good :)

My hours will be cut back this weekend due to the superbowl, and a couple birthdays. I'll be back with a vengeance on Monday.

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