Tuesday, December 12, 2006

1-Year Anniversary

My live-in girlfriend, Mary, is taking me somewhere for our anniversary. She still has not told me where, but we are leaving within an hour and a half.

We're both pretty stressed today. She has been planning this thing for a while, and did not have enough time today to do everything she had planned out. I'm stressed about money...like I always am.

I played a few hours of poker yesterday, and about 30minutes today. When I get back from wherever it is we're going, I will have to start putting in some serious hours.

Learning more and more about IM every day. I wandered on this great site - http://www.stevepavlina.com/. This guy graduated from college in only 3 semesters, and is a master of time management, self motivation, and making money. I will be learning a lot from his website in the months to come.

Now, I am off to continue preparing for wherever it is Mary wants to take me.

Later all!

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