Sunday, December 09, 2007

Picked up a decent domain...

I was just fooling around with my web hosting service the other day, trying to think of a good .com to put this blog on. After randomly typing in a handful of names that had already been taken, I stumbled upon, which I now own :)

My first child, Sophy Jade Wallace, was born on Nov. 29th, and I'm still adapting to a regular poker schedule as a parent. I just recently learned that it IS possible to 12-table and change a diaper simultaneously. I wouldn't suggest trying unless you have to...but it can be done.

Yesterday, I also 18-tabled for the first time ever. It was surprisingly easy, and the results were definitely worth the effort. I had been keeping away from PokerStars for the most part lately, mostly because the tables are not nearly as exploitable as many other sites out there... Fortunately, I can still beat the stars 100 and 200NL for 2+ptbb/100 very reliably. I haven't checked my overall stats on stars for the year, but if my memory serves me correctly, I should be at either 2.7 or 3.7ptbb/100 over about 300k+ hands.

That's about it for today.

1 comment:

Henk said...

Nice blog! More people should read it. If you want, you can register your blog It is free and and it automatically updates when you do an update, so visitors of our site can see when you updated your blog. The big advantage is that it will attract much more visitors to your blog.

Greets Peter