Thursday, January 31, 2008


Hours: 178.92 - record month
Hands: 199,318 - record month
VPPS: 100,126 - ahead of schedule
Earnings: Satisfactory :)
Biggest 1-day upswing
Biggest 1-day downswing
followed by an 80k breakeven (from previous peak)

This is probably the most satisfying month of poker I have ever had. I kept myself more focused and disciplined than ever before in my life. I think that becoming a father has really inspired me to get serious about my profession.

If I could repeat this month 12 more times, I would be ecstatic. Quite frankly, I think I will only get better, and my $/hr will increase. This past week of shortstacking the 6max tables has really opened my eyes to the opportunity there. Shortstacking the bad tables, and fullstacking the good ones is probably going to end up being my most profitable game plan. With the right conditions, I'm completely comfortable multitabling fullstack NL400 and 600. The $/hr should be much nicer once I've got my strategy down.

Very happy with the way the month went. It was just a bit difficult to get in all of the hands, and I think it will get slightly easier as the year continues. It really was not that difficult to get in as much time as I did, and I am fairly sure I'll be able to keep it up. As far as burnout, I really don't know if I have experienced it yet and fought through, or if the worst is yet to come. There is a very busy year ahead of me.

Sophy is 9 weeks old today. Time is flying.

This will be a big year.


Anonymous said...

v nice!
keep on the good work

J-bird said...

I enjoy your blog, and I hope you don't mind, but I added a link on my blog to yours. Feel free to do the same if you ever decide to add links. I just had a daughter too recently, and Rayna is just now 5 weeks! Interesting! GL.