Sunday, January 13, 2008

SNE Quest - Day 12: Eighteen Dollhairs

For now, I have decided not to take weekends completely off, and to just put in a session or two to keep myself sane/sharp. When you make each day revolve around putting in 8+ hours of poker, it can leave you pretty antsy when you take a day completely off. So on Saturday, I put in about 4-5 hours. The first 3 hour session went amazingly well, and the second small session went amazingly crappy - leaving me with 18$ after all was said and done. This isn't counting vpps/fpps and whatnot, so it was definitely still worth the work. It is always just a little discouraging to go from a big winning day to pretty much even.

On a related note, I've been thinking about more ways to maximize my earn from the SNE challenge, and stumbled across a pretty good opportunity on the 2+2 forums. Apparently, when you buy the Porsche from the PokerStars FPP store, you get a MUCH better $/fpp rate than any other option. This difference could be worth 5-10k$ in bonus money over a years time. My idea is essentially to save up the FPPs over the whole year, buy the Porsche, and sell it right back to the dealership. I'm not sure what kind of discount I'd have to give, but it could very well be a big bonus.

In addition to the $ is the recognition from the poker community, and bragging rights to friends and family. Once I do a bit more research about reselling new cars to dealers, I can make a decision about whether or not to save up that many FPPs.

If it does turn out to be a good deal, I may try to recruit some other SNE hopefuls and make it somewhat of an event. 5-10 players all buying a Porsche with FPPs on the same day would definitely make the news in this little poker world.

I plan on putting in a few hours today (Sunday) and getting back to the full-blown grind tomorrow. I'm nearing 5% done with the challenge! Makin' progress!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes that is why i play poker, it's not to make money it's so i can brag to people

no wonder you are such a douche and so terrible- you obviously lack self confidence or something to be so excited to brag about something like this that its part of your reason for doing it.